Saturday, May 31, 2014

21 Facts About Love and Falling in Love

Note: Well, it is raining outside, and I am here to do what I do best... This is an impromptu post inspired by a few experiences I've heard from the people around me, from my world of relationships and mostly in the early part of today (this Saturday);

1.   You are not the first one, and you won't be the last one to fall in love, so stop thinking that it has only happened to you. That friend of yours has had it before, it is just that they talk about it less.
2.   Don't allow love to make you stupid. Use your heart, but again, use your mind. Using one without the other leaves you half-lame and half-idiotic.
3.   Love is a beautiful thing, but if it is not well tamed, it can be the worst thing that happened to you.
4.   If someone has made "your world to stop", that person is the most dangerous thing in your life right now. Give them boundaries unless you really want your life to STOP.
5.   If two people are fighting for the love of one person (say two dudes are in for this one chiq), it is the chiq who is stupid and doesn't know what she wants. She is likely to lose both of them.
6.   Don't talk to us about love if you are in a relationship with more than one person. That is either lust or infatuation.
7.   We Christian men and our fellow ladies are too naïve to fall in love because we mostly fear rejection, but we should never (anyway, it is obvious that we can't) force anyone to be in a relationship with us all in the name of God. It is stupid. Falling in love should come out naturally, and it should never be impulsive.
8.   Love is not the end of life. Fall in love, but have a life. I say it again: fall in love, but have a life. This will make your love make sense and last longer.
9.   Correction and rebuke are part of "I love you so much that I can't handle losing you...". Anyone who positively criticizes you and rebukes you is the best partner you can ever have.
10. Love is not sex, and sex is not love. Stop misusing and mixing the two. They exist independently from each other. Thus both the man who wants proof of love through sex, and the woman who wants the proof of love through money share the same thing: silliness and greed.
11. If I love you, I should be ready to sacrifice a few things I DEARLY LOVE in order to be with you. If not, I am just using you as a means to my well-being, and I am selfish, egotistic and mean... Yeah.
12. Love is not one-sided. It always gives back. The best love is when it is mutually shared and exchanged. One-sided love (where only one person loves the other) is as bad as a man/woman with one leg, one hand and one eye trying to climb a tree. Utterly incomplete. Utterly horrendous.
13. Gifts don't buy love. Try honesty, trust and openness. They may buy it a little. (Just a little.)
14. If you are falling for someone, tell them. Don't regret it later when they are already taken. It takes a lifetime to fall in love and to find your type, (oh well, that's not a fact but an assumption) so don't waste opportunities when they're presented to you. (I hope y'all saved dudes are hearing me on this one.)
15. Make friends. Laugh. Don't take life too seriously. The more easy-to-interact-with and easy-to-approach people find you, the more attractive you become; thus the higher your chances of falling in love. Only 1% of the total population of human beings is interested in boring people. At least be boring but attractive. (Lol.)
16. Love is like a machine - it always needs lubricants called affirmation and affection; love is like a vehicle - it can't move unless it is driven, so be wise around it.
17. Love can die, but love cannot be buried. It has no grave that befits its greatness. We can pretend to stop loving people, but we can never pretend about how they make/made us feel. That is a fact.
18. We can fall in love a million times, but every time we do so, it is different. We can never fall in love in the same way and with the same intensity. It is always different all the time. This also, my friend, is a fact.
19. Everyone falls in love and everyone can fall in love. We just fear admitting it.
20. You may think differently about people you have been in relationships with, but you SHOULD NEVER think differently about love. It is the same all through - pure, perfect, selfless, unending and never failing. That is love. 
21. I'm not in love, so stop being curious and stop asking already... :-)
For more information, please contact heaven and ask for Jesus Christ. There is no one who knows about these things more or better than He does.

Never stop loving. Keep that fire burning...

Bonface Morris.

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