Wednesday, June 15, 2016

2016 Youth Day Sermon (and Photos)

So last Sunday was a Youth Day at our church. Youth Day is an annual event that happens on every second Sunday of June in the Kenya Assemblies of God denomination.

Guys had fun, and were given a chance (as elsewhere in the Kenya Assemblies of God fraternity across the country) to lead the service and serve the LORD (and actually the church) in unique ways.
Part of the Youth team at K.A.G. Kakamega with Mrs. Bishop Alulu and some kids
I want to take this moment to appreciate the efforts and commitment made by my leadership team (the two Celestines - yeah that sounds weird, but also cool - Patrick and Mrs. Bridget) and our youth (both the ones that were present and the rest that weren't able to attend the occasion due to various understandable reasons.) This was my best Youth Day ever since I took up on leadership. I'm proud to be their leader. 

Here is the sermon I preached in the second service;

Them of the day: Do Something
Dressing code: Black/fuchsia 

Sermon title: Do Something
Key verses:
1.    Titus 2:7-8 (NLT)And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of   every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching. ”
2.    Ephesians 2:10 (NKJV) For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

  • Today’s world is full of life coaches, teachers and opinionated people who teach us good things about life and how it should be done. We applaud and appreciate what they do.

  • But looking deeper, no matter how much we learn or are taught, it is not enough to keep telling people to do things if we are not showing them;
a)    What is being done
b)    Who is doing it
c)    Where it should be done
d)    When it should be done
e)    Why is should be done and,
f)     Who else is doing it that it has benefited.
Unless we sieve whatever areas of growth we desire/intent to improve upon by use of the above points, we are likely to come out on the other side without reasonable change. The steps above help us do something about everything that needs attention in our lives.

There is a story told of three fishermen and the hole in their boat. These three agreed that they had a problem affecting all of them that might cost them their source of income: the hole in the boat. But instead of planning on a practical way on how to fix the hole, they kept saying this:

Someone should do something about this hole someday.”

This went on for days and weeks… and later, the boat couldn’t float on water anymore because the hole had grown bigger and their weight and the weight of fish they were catching was greater. That is when they realized that they should have done something the very moment they discovered a hole in their boat. They also realized that no matter how much they prayed, God wasn’t going to do/fix the things (i.e. the hole in the boat) they were supposed to do/fix because He had already given them the wisdom, the strength and the will to do so. There are things God fixes, and holes in boats aren’t some of them: not that He cannot, but because He should not.

The mistake the three fishermen made was;
  1. They didn’t specify who was doing what task in trying to fix the hole in their boat.
  2. They didn’t delegate the actual tasks involved in fixing the hole (i.e. cutting wood, getting other material etc.)
  3. They didn’t specify the day the task was to be done.

In order not to be caught unawares like the three fishermen in the story above, here are steps towards doing something early enough:
  1. Stop pitying yourself for not doing something about everything that is wrong. It doesn't help.
  2. Recognize the something that you can do and pray that you will start doing it: God has promised to give us strength to do ALL good.
  3. Have friends that frequently pester you to do something about everything that needs attention in your life. Hebrews 10:24 (ESV) "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works."
  1. Stop complaining about things not being done yet you are doing nothing to help it.
  2. Stop getting worried that you may not make it because it will not be you who does the work, but the God in you. Philippians 2:12-13 (NIV) 12 Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed - not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence - continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.
  1. Christ promises to be with those who are doing something. Matthew 28:20 (NIV) and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
  1. Doing something about your spiritual life and growth means doing something about the most important part of your life.
  2. Set goals. All goals need actionable plans. Without setting goals, we are likely to do nothing or to do so little and still feel accomplished. An example of setting a goal would be; what are you doing differently today from since you began doing it a while ago? Yes, you've been doing something, but is it adding value to people's lives or God's Kingdom?

Examples of people who did something.
  1. John 2:12-19 (NIV) shows us Jesus doing something about temple con artists selling things at its courts. He didn't just sit there praying, He did something by chasing them out.  
  2. David in 1 Samuel 17 stopped by an army that was afraid to do anything about a pagan who was insulting God (Goliath). He took a step by offering himself to fight the giant yet he had never fought nor had he ever been known to be a soldier.

The challenge to us therefore is: will we be like Jesus and David (people who stood up, believed in God and in themselves and made a difference by doing something) or will we remain like King Saul and the Israelites in David’s day who trembled every time Goliath came out?

The choice is ours, so let’s choose well.
Part of the Youth team at K.A.G. Kakamega (2)
Bonface Morris.

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