I don’t know what you’ll think this is, but again, that is one of my discoveries: that what you think of things or of what other people do is all up to you. You choose what to believe and what not to. The other person/people (or things in any case) do not rule over what you want to think about them... And they should not pester you about it. Okay, they should. Sometimes. If they so choose. But it still won’t be changing how you feel about them. Or about some things. Or anything. It won’t.
Secondly, read on... Read on and see what I’ve been seeing and the conclusions I have been making all along. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe I’m not...
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The art of "discovering things." |
I have discovered that we should all be equally insane. That I should not be just as bad (or good in some other rare case) as you are. I should be “more bad” (if that can be acceptable) or “more good” than everyone else. And that the more insane I am, the better. I have discovered that being normal is sad. Normal is too average. And being normal normally chars our world and embers it. With time. I have discovered that we should prefer remaining insane for the sake of our society. Only an abnormal society is aware of the need for change. A normal society almost always thinks that everything is alright. Well, it is not. Everything is not alright. It is not alright for all of us to score the same average mark in everything. It is not good for all of us to jump the same length or run the same distance or achieve the same results. That is what normal people do: the same old stuff in the same old way to achieve the same old results.
Being abnormal - yes, being insane - is what makes us extraordinary. It is what makes brands out of us. It is what turns our society and world around. It is what makes us invent, and invest, and rant, and heckle at issues and change the world around us. It is what ticks. Yeah. Insanity.
I have also discovered that you should not get into the habit of eating all that you are cooking while you are still cooking it. People will go to bed hungry. Because by the time you’ll be finished eating/cooking, you’ll be having no food at all. And that is not good. It is not good for all of us that were expecting that food. Now, think about it again while replacing food with any other resource at your disposal. Got it?
The old people around here used to say (I am not so sure if they still do say it), “Do not put all your eggs in one basket...” and that “You cannot kill two birds with one stone”. We loved what they said. It was good. But I wish they had specified which eggs, which basket, which stone and which birds they were talking about. Because that can be really catastrophic if we limit ourselves to the mere stones and baskets we know.
So I have been rolling my mind through what they said and I have discovered that you can actually kill thousands of birds with one stone and that all your eggs can be safe in one basket. It just depends with your choice of the stone and the basket. What if God is the stone and the basket? What if He is our only stone and our only basket? We can kill more birds and keep more eggs, right? Oh well!
I have also discovered that life actually does change overnight. It is not a universal guarantee for it to do so on the positive side of things, but on the negative one, it does change overnight.
“Positive change,” as everyone else puts it, “is progressive.” But negative change is not. Negative change is instantaneous.
Consider this: there is a very thin line between wisdom and foolishness. Very. Why? A fool cannot become wise overnight. It doesn’t work that way. But the wise can be foolish in one minute. Yes. So we’d rather be foolish to men to save our reputation than rant to all about how wise we are and lose it all. Most wise people are the most foolish in our societies because they want to play it cool. Fools want us to recognize and know how wise they are, and as a result, we always ignore them.Then consider this: it takes time and effort to accumulate knowledge, and experience and wealth, and skills, and artistry; but it takes no commitment and effort at all to lose them. Bad things happen overnight, while good things take time. This is the mystery of life.
I have also been keen on wanting to understand how you - yes, you and your life - are mostly none of my business, but again that you are solely part of mine. About this one, I am still discovering. I am still wanting to know where to draw the line between being mindful of how you live your life and being skeptical of how you live it. Those are two different things. Two very different things. But again, sometimes I am tempted and would prefer to do neither.
You see, where I wonder most is why I love making you part of my business much more than I would love you to make mine part of yours. Okay. And it is an awful thing. A one sided coin actually. It is like a sun that refuses to set in the West. A sun that forcefully wants to rise from the East and go back there. Evading the laws of nature and mutuality. Yeah, that is me when dealing with you.Anyway, I have been wondering why I should be obsessed with your life this much. Am I your God? Or your guardian angel? But again, should I stop to care that you are messing up somewhere? Or that you are doing things right?
I am still wondering. Discovering. I will come back on this one some other time.
And there is this other thing. God. Some people are serious with/about Him. (And by serious I mean devoted.) Others are not. Some are skeptical. Others are not even sure where they are with Him. Yet others really wish, year in year out, that they would be a bit more serious with Him this time.
"This is the season and time, Lord”, they say. “This is the season and time I am going to serve and love You like never before...”
I know you can mention a few of them - these people of seasons and times. But that - they forget to put in mind - is a cycle they can’t complete on their own. They fight to please Him so much that they become miserable, and cry and mourn, and throw themselves in the dust, and pray, and fast... And after all has been said and done, they go back to where they begun. Or even worse. Why? Because they think God can be served their way. Nah, it does not work that way. Terms and conditions apply. Understand the terms and conditions first before making any move(s) or commitment(s) with/for God.
And maybe then they’ll discover that God is so different from men. His ways are unfathomable and that what pleases Him is far less than what men would think. Yeah, He is cool like that.
James 4:13ff: “Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit’ - yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.’ As it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil.”
If we’d prefer to take one step at a time with Him, then we’ll be less miserable. His mind is far too high for our understanding (Isaiah 55:8ff:“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.) But as the apostle Paul puts it in 1 Corinthians 2:16, He has revealed his mind to us: “‘For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?’ But we have the mind of Christ.” And He also has “...made everything beautiful in its time... and put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end...” (Ecclesiastes 3:11). That is interesting.
Finally, I have also discovered that life is a paradox. That it sways between one known and several unknowns. I have a feeling that this is okay... but let’s talk about it some other time.
I know you have your own discoveries, but it is just your pen that needs some ink.
And you need some good paper. And a glass of water... Water? Yes, water. :-)
Until next time,
Bonface Morris.
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