Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Of Cords and Visions

Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NIV)  Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.


I love the way your eyes sparkle when I mention the word, "vision"
You pick it up and always run faster with it, faster than I had thought we could ever go.

I love the way you love what you do.
You unravel passion with precision and make me believe that for sure all the earth is holy ground.

You help me run, when I was only but walking
Challenging me to greater heights and better versions of myself
Making me think of things I couldn't think when I was alone
Indeed, you are a phenomenal woman.

Thanks babe. Thanks for pushing me to become a better version of myself.
Remember that I am your friend, so never suffer in silence. Stay bold. Stay loud. But stay humble.
Let nothing ever shut down that fire in your bones. Ever.

It's true you are young, yet you carry so much weight.
You carry so many worlds and wear so many shoes.
I pray a dear prayer for you: that the strength that was given to our Lord Jesus to conquer sin and discouragement will be given to you in great supply.
Strength to carry more than just our vision but God's as well.

And remember: that one thing you're scared of doing, if it's for God's glory, you can do it. You can do it.
In this next chapter, go in strong, go in bold, go in Christlike.
You can do it! 

Maintain the love and passion online and offline. That's what matters.
Continue being a gift to many as you chase after God and His purpose for you.

Run your race.
Not anyone else's but yours.
Heaven is the limit.

I'm incapable of loving like God does but I do know a thing or two about my heart: it loves you.

Happy birthday and a happy anniversary to us.

Morris 2.0