Friday, March 2, 2012

Expectations, Patience and Anxiety

There is nothing more meaningless than expecting nothing; and there is nothing as futile to the soul as expectations that have gone wrong. The former tells that you are a purposeless fool, while the latter insists that you became too wise that your wisdom ate you up.
There is a way life gets hold of us, putting us in dark places of uncertainty, in irrelevant corners where we don’t see the whole. Where we see things half way – half-empty-glass-syndrome... Where the world is never seen as it should be seen. Somehow we always want to get out fast and yell out to the whole world that we are ‘sick and tired of being sick and tired’; or the more spiritual kind of u – staging a fight, calling the Creator and asking Him stupid questions; telling him things. Telling Him stupid things. Judging Him. Feeling baaaaad. Wondering why solutions we’ve been waiting for, for such a long time are not forthcoming. We get held up in a wonder world that may consume us whole and drain us into apostasy or into blame games of no substantial entities.
There is no time when a human being is prone to stupidity and arrogance than when they are expecting things that never appear...things that move in winds and ashes... Then is when all wisdom may vanish and the heaviness of anxiety takes charge to throw us deep down a pit of regret...
And the sad side of things is that patience-without-murmuring has never been taught in class. No one ever teaches that to any one! Patience and waiting are lessons that life teaches someone – your or my mama won’t teach us that! And even if you may want to teach me, you won’t help me apply it. You may want to blame it on our upbringing or on our personalities, or on our different encounters and experiences from birth; or on our parents, or friends... but no one is to be blamed when we all have sounds of ignited agony in our minds and hearts when things are not coming forth as we expected. No-one. No one is to blame for our wrong choices fuelled by impatience. No one is to blame for our avaricious acts, for our uncalculated steps due to haste. No-one. No one is to blame for our fornication, our immoral deeds, our bribery acts, our visionless ways due to lacking the guts to wait ‘just a little bit more’.
Because we are all different, and diversity should be embraced rather than condemned, we should never stop to learn the few virtues that life wants to teach us. If we by chance meet a need for patience staring at us, we should greet it and learn from it. Life is all about acquiring knowledge so that next time ‘you’re a bit smarter than before’.
We should not stop expecting things to happen. We should not stop to wait for stuff to come up... How can life be interesting without longing for a miracle, or a gift, or a promise to be fulfilled? All we should do is to learn from every one of the situations we have on our way, embrace God more, how to run the game of expectancy without falling into the pit of self denial or low self-esteem, or blaming others or God. Expectations may be painful, but what comes out and how we deal with it is what matters most. God rewards us at the point of His coming and depending on how He finds us; although when we are almost giving up is when He appears (almost always) just to show us that it is in our weaknesses He reveals himself...
Learn how to expect today!
Quote: God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pain; it is His megaphone to arouse a deaf world! – C. S. Lewis.
Sincerely, Morris.

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