Sunday, June 30, 2013

Dude, I Am Lonely!

Quote: Relationships are "the most beautiful thing that ever happened to mankind..." so they say.

Someone is lonely.
No, it is not me. Woishee, (okay, I've used that word before, so excuse me priss) it is not me. But it may be you... yeah, *pointing finger*, it may be you, or maybe, that friend of yours who is lonely...
But again that good thing about loneliness is that it is normal. Don't fret. Being lonely is normal. Let's justify it .with that clichè. How does it go? "Mankind is a social being, so he/she is in an endless pursuit for, er, company", right? Yeah, let's pin it on a billboard by using that one... then let's sit down, sip some water and say it in unison: 1... 2... 3... go! "It is normal!" (Even that very justification is commonly normal.) :-)
I'm not going to interdict you for loneliness. Let's (for now) say that it is normal. Yes, just for now...
Well, let's leave out the yada yada of who is and who is not lonely, and the other one of if it's normal to be lonely or not... and... let's do some thinking...
Do you ever wonder why people claim to be lonely? Do you ever wonder why you/they are continuously bored and lonely? Well, I would want to say so many things that may offend you but, let's consider this: there's a difference between a guy saying that he is lonely, and when a chiq says the same.
If we closely looked at both, (unless one or the other is a douche) *makes sign of the cross*, we may conclude that one is rightfully lonely while the other is just being overrated.
They both have very different definitions of what loneliness is all about. And the age of both also matters. Teenagers can be lonely as many times as they wish. No one should give a damn. It is NORMAL. Let the hormones do the walking... But dude/dudette, if your age is somewhere above 21 and you serially complain about loneliness, I should buy you a, er, (I wanted to say "puppy", but I won't. You don't do that in Kenya. You don't buy people puppies. So I won't buy you anything,... hehe).
Yeah, loneliness is real in both worlds (a man's and a woman's). It's just that in one it comes with an umbrella, while in the other it clothes itself with the sun. The outcome? Shades versus mirages. But it's okay. It is normal. Croissants (oh! I just had to put-fix that somewhere) buff doughnuts. :-)
Now because I'm already losing my thought line, lemme tell you what I was thinking about when I started writing this. Loneliness is a result of someone being fond of one, two or all of the following:

1. You fear relationships.
You think that ideal perfect people exist, so you are busy waiting, waiting, and er, wasting time waiting for them (the perfect people). Well, darling, they DO exist; but they should be somewhere Google can't trace. Or somewhere where even the collaboration of a pen and a mouth can't assist reveal. Keep on choosing, then keep on being lonely. Great advice, huh?

2. You love being lonely.
Okay, when all statements and things are summarized, you are ridiculous! I don't blame you. I blame the things that have happened in your life. I slightly blame your personality, then the relationships you previously had, your upbringing and many other things my mind refuses to load... :-)

3. You seek the approval of ALL the people in your life over who is and who is not right for you.
The fact is that, my girlfriend (or fiancée) will never be fully accepted by a 100% of the people who matter in my life. Never. She is not some hybrid of an angel, or is she? You need to know this, and get it well spinned and settled in your mind.

So, what am I saying?

This is what I am saying: put on a daring face, grab all the guts you've ever [thought] you have, match out there, (yes, I'm talking to you too all ye saved guys, because I am saved too), go look into her/his eyes and tell them anything. Tell them something. Anything. From "Can we grab a coffee?" to "Do you know how much croissants cost at, (let's say), Art Caffe?". Yeah dude/dudette, move out and say something!!! That's how it all begins.

Good luck with that.

Bonface Morris. 


  1. Good real words! Someone had to say it to all we lonely souls out here. Don't be lonely.

    1. @untonyto, and yeah, you don't have to remain lonely... By the way thanks for reading.
