Friday, October 5, 2012

10 “Simple” Things that we Love Taking for Granted

Let me introduce you to the natural things you already know. At least I can always say that I have a way with normal common things and I love twisting their commonness until you see them common no more. Life is all about appreciating the little things we have; and they are those little things that create the bigness that we desire to be eternally plugged into. Maybe learning to practice these little things will make you start loving life and the many different people you meet daily. Here they are;
1.      God
God is not tiny and is not a ‘thing’, but He is the one of the most important things we love taking for granted today. In my previous post “What is More Important”, I addressed as to why it may be highly possible that today’s modern world has deviated from a way of religion (or reverence to any form of piety) and instead decided to worship materialism. If God has been taken for granted in your life (regardless of what religion you subscribe to – but majorly if you are Christian, the God of the Bible), you need to catch up with Him. You need to get hold of Him. Yeah, you need to. This is because you are lacking a connection with the one who brought you into this world and who is the only one that can fully define why you are where you are and when (and why) you should be in the next place you go to. And not only that, but because you need to reciprocate such a love He showed by selflessly giving out himself to save you and me…

2.      A smile
So many people need your smile. They don’t have to ask you for it, but you have to live knowing that, a smiling face is friendlier than a gloomy one… a smile attracts people to you. Humor attracts friendship. So, do you need friends? Smile. But if you won’t, then expect nothing more, because no-one loves being around a fussy person…

3.      A ‘thank you’ or way of appreciation [both to God and man]
There are some of us who never learnt the rules of etiquette or think that saying ‘thank you’ is being ‘soft’ or ‘nice’ or ‘wimpy’ or ‘less manly’ for the guys. You should reverse what you were taught by the society you grew up in. If someone (or God) does something for you which you were unable to do by yourself – or which you were able to do and they did it anyway - (regardless of whether it is ‘small’ or ‘big’), a way of appreciation and gratefulness that is simplest is to  genuinely look them into the eye and honestly say, “Mun or gal or God,  thank you for all that. You made my day”. Let me tell you it goes along way…

4.      A pat on the back or a compliment
No-one dislikes being congratulated. Men love being admired – and especially by the lady he considers most important from the rest; women love receiving compliments and being flattered – especially by the man closest to her heart. If this is done more often (and even friend to friend or husband to wife and vice versa), our relationships won’t be that complicated. A compliment drives out strife born by being unsure of another’s affection…

5.      A practical way with truth
Word has it that your only best friend tells you the whole truth and nothing less. They will care that you know it and deal with it. So aspire to correct someone (in a loving way) so that they may not go astray; because it may be true that they don’t know about (or they have not been knowing about) the (good or bad) consequences of what they do or what they are doing.

6.      Honesty or faithfulness
      If you care at all, be honest; and if you need your friendships and relationships to last long enough, be faithful. Even the Bible says (Proverbs 3:3: Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart…). Be honest with yourself. Be honest with others. It is that simple. Lies are abhorred both by man and God, and no one wants a liar for a friend because such people smell of blackmail and insecurity!

7.      A show of ‘petty’ kindness
Be gentle. Be kind. It is not a show of weakness but of might and strength. Only the strong cry with others and sympathize with them. Only the strong are needed for friends. Only the strong are reliable… So no matter how that thing you were going to do is going to make you feel ‘drawn down’ it may just be what someone is waiting for before they call you a true friend…

8.      A hug and a heartfelt greeting
Give a hug to a lady as you give a strong well-meant handshake to a man. Greet people you meet. Say, ‘hi’. Get in touch with their worlds. Reach out to them. Feel them. You may never know when you are saving somebody my friend…

9.      A tiny build of trust
If there has been occasions when your friendship was doubted, build it with trust. Trust is a mechanism that makes people say, “At least they (meaning you) won’t betray me even when worse comes to worst…”. You need trust when dealing with God, and you need it when dealing with fellow men; so go out there and make people believe in what you say, what you do, what you desire, what you believe in, and how you do things. It is all up to you, if you need tininess to grow bolder and bigger by the day… cause someone to trust you, and aspire to believe in people also…

10. Selflessness, a ‘little’ generosity and a ‘little’ sacrifice
One last thing is being that friend that dies for your friend(s). Jesus has shown us that He is such a friend – one who forsakes all the good He had in order to make us to later share it with Him – He is such a selfless friend. We can learn that a friendship is of high quality because it shows others the godliness in us, and that being generous (with the much or little we have) goes a long way to stamp our concern, care, love and affection towards others. Someone (even a stranger) needs your well-intended selfless behavior, your generosity and your sacrifice in seeing that they are well cared for…
I know that the world we live in has (or may have) a very different way of seeing and doing things, but probably, the best thing to do is to become a better people for the general wellness of others. I think then, we will be driving our lives into accomplishing that which God created us for… And for that reason, I will give you a new code of operation: "Thus take nothing for granted, because you never know when that which you neglected was (or will be) highly needed by your immediate or distant neighbor..."


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