Friday, November 9, 2012

Sex: The Misconstrued Package

[*Walking to the podium and tapping on the microphone*...]

“Hi everyone!” [Pause]
“Let me begin with where it should all begin… My name is Bonface Morris [Otunga]. I am a saved Kenyan guy in his twenties, born of a Kenyan father and a Kenyan mother; all from western Kenya. I am single. [Hehe ! And um not publicizing myself!] I love music, writing and watching movies. I am too talkative sometimes (which is one behavior of mine I always ask beforehand that those I interact with would at least tolerate lest they judge me) because I have a big problem with pretending to be an introvert. I also love having fun, but I neither go to disco clubs nor stripper clubs. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink and I don’t watch pornography. Although I have had a girlfriend (one girlfriend), I am still a virgin because I don’t think it is of importance [constructive and of integrity] to ask for sex from her for now considering that she is not my wife... and guys, I am standing before you today to talk about sex!
“It is the way our society (and not just this generation but also the previous) is reacting to and dealing with matters of sex that I have decided to deliver this speech. I know I may come out to be too loud, but I beg that you tolerate the noise because it is necessary. I feel that it is of great importance to talk about sex to normal people who live today, most of whom are the invisible yous’ that read this blog – because they are these normal people, these normal youth like me, to whom sex has become the paradox we love pushing under or pretentiously erasing…
“I may be a leader in one capacity, but that is not necessarily what drives me to talk about sex today. No. This inspiration came from what I have been seeing happen all around me from the day I was a child. It is about what the young people like me think about the topic of sex, what arises when there are  conflicts between us and our parents (read, the elderly) concerning sex and why we think sex is (or is not) important to us before and/or after marriage. I am not writing to imply that I am not [the least] tempted to have sex, or that I have already overcome the urge to have it at this phase of my life, but that I am here to advocate for what is right (and what is right is absolute),  which even if I myself may fail in doing it – because life gives us a place of falling and rising all the time – I (and we) can become better even in the worst that keeps coming my/our way, and I/we can achieve better standards on the same because I/we have potential, and that the best can never be achieved (when you compare man with God) until man believes that it can be achieved no matter what…
“My background has a story of a typical African family: one where parents never directly address matters of sex with their children, and especially, their teenage children on a head-on platform, forcing them to learn about sex in their only HARD WAY. My sisters and I had to learn about it that way – and each one of us in our own different ways…
“I remember when I was young, times of my sisters’ relationship mysteries. I remember of how they had to struggle with the torment their boyfriends put them in (and they had many of them – and I don’t mean that they were promiscuous, but what could teenagers their age have done to gain the attention from the opposite sex unless they attracted and accepted the proposals of as many boyfriends as possible in order to generate competition and feel accepted?). Whenever I accompanied them to visit their boyfriends, I could see just how much tempted they were by being nagged and forced into having sex. It was a predictable occurrence where you would know beforehand what will happen to such a boyfriend. Because sex was the driving force behind the boys having a relationship with them, while they (my sisters) seemed to be less interested, those relationships never lasted long enough for me to even know the names of those so-called ‘in-laws’ of mine.  
“I would see boyfriends being changed every season – one for every holiday. It is and it was the truth of the matter; and written all over their faces was the statement, “Men are so uncertain, they only love you for your body…!” They got used to it anyway – the bother for sex and the changing of boyfriends - and that my friends, according to me, was dangerous. It meant that before they ever had a stable relationship, many frogs had to be kissed, playing ‘hard to get’ would be the norm of the day and pretending to be ‘the tough lady’ would have to be the driving power…And as many of us know, kissing frogs and doing all those things means a lot of things to the girl-child…
“So because our parents never really taught us that much about sex (of which I urge today’s parents to beat that record), we grew up with a wrong picture of sex - in relation to my sisters as the girl-child. I don’t thank God that they (my parents) didn’t teach me more about sex, but I thank Him that He has taught me a lot about sex along the way. Although to say the truth, my father is such a free guy who can talk to you about almost anything, sex was not [and has not been] a topic he has ventured into very freely. Over time, he has showed he cares for my mom, which is a good thing to emulate, but has never directly talked to me (or any of my sisters as far as I know) about sex. We have never learnt much about sex from our mom either. The misunderstood aspect of sex fed to my sisters (they are only three above me anyway, so don’t imagine numbers) was given to them by themselves (if that makes sense) – by how they figured out themselves, men and sex whenever they broke up with one or another. Sex was never taught them by someone elderly or by our parents. That I guess, is what forced them into frailed spirituality when they were teenagers, because there was always a fight between the values Christianity taught them, what mama taught them, and the cruel truth of raging emotions and need for affection… making them to partially curve in and pave way for the powerful desire of gratifying what their bodies desired most – boys and attention…
“But I don’t blame them. And to set the record right, I don’t blame the girl-child [today] for anything. I won’t even call women weak. I don’t call women weak. I don’t call men strong either. My view is that, when sex is involved, weakness becomes relative, and anything relative can happen anytime to anyone… even to the so-called strong…It is only that what happened then made them grow up knowing that men are somehow some mysterious ‘animals’ whose sole desire is never majorly love, care and affection towards the woman, but lust (and that to me is a misinterpretation of what a man should be or is) and thereafter an endless crave to satisfy their sexual desires. [And by the way, I defend the knowledge I have that my sisters never engaged in sex with their boyfriends – as far as I know...] It was the pressure from those unworking ‘relationships’ that led to poor school results, a weird view of the male-child and a changed attitude towards our father…whom they never hated, but became mute towards for no good reason…
“Just to address the current, and as a by the way, I should let you know that if you have ever been in such a situation, or are still in such a situation, where you face pressure from within and without to engage in sex, know that I have dedicated this day to pray – just for you…
“Apart from my sisters’ story, here is my story: when I was young, I had a younger cousin of mine (an age mate), a guy I know wherever he is, is not interested in reading blogs… So when we were of the age of knowing “we are boys, and they are girls,” he taught me some few things with girls; things I guess I was too dump to get and understand. He was the active type (you know) , and because I was his friend, you know that there is no way I could not accompany him in his ‘mild errands’… With him, we did all things young boys of between the ages of 8yearsando 15years do – chasing after girls, ‘falling in love’, just basically doing what this generation calls running the town…But lucky as I was, I still felt that sex was out of topic (yet the Jesus I know today still had a decade or so from then until I met Him…). He was notorious, and I was not. I don’t know why, but sleeping with a girl was not something I valued. I valued nothing of these things they call ‘relationships’.  I didn’t value relationships with girls then because I was shy to break the rules my parents esteemed and kept but had never brought out to me to instruct me on…I don’t call myself good, because that may be the only sin I never committed until I met Jesus. [And I am very sure of that.]
“It is true that birds of the same feather flock together, but allow me to say that values and principles in a person help them shape their lives in a way that makes abstinence easier than their level of spirituality, because I know of some ‘very spiritual’ people who freely engage in sex without turning their heads around…And I don’t mean to say that you are ‘unforgivable’ or ‘weird’ if you have engaged in sex before marriage; I just mean to say that to some of us, weak points are elsewhere – and those may make us even worse before God as compared to the dude/dudette that has engaged in sex…  Sometimes, one unsaved/unreligious person can manage dealing with the pressure of sex more than the spiritual/pious one. But that does not imply that the less religious young man or lady faces less temptation or inclination towards pre-marital sex as compared to the Christian ones, no. It only means that the wiser you have become [Christian] as pertaining right and wrong, the more grieving the likeliness of your fall is when you are face to face with it… So, maybe my values helped me just a little when I was young not to do what my younger cousin knew was normal to do…
“My younger cousin had all the cause to destruct me; and I had all the power to direct my self to be lured by him. I have all the power to be lured into sex even today… Maybe God just wanted it that way… Yeah, maybe He also just wants it that way…it is a world of ‘maybe this’ or ‘maybe that’…I don’t know what held me then, and I don’t know what holds me now [but I am sure I know something about that], and I know that God is faithful to the end, if I mean to entirely depend on Him…
“We all have the freedom to choose what we want with our lives – and I had [and still have] that freedom – to engage in sex or not, to have a mpango wa kando or not... I have the freedom to choose what I wanna do with myself. That freedom neither belongs to my parent(s) nor to my friend(s). It belongs to me. Yeah, that freedom to choose what I wanna do with my life, with my body, when pressure to engage in sex comes up on me belongs to me…Only I am capable of controlling me…
“No matter how much crooked the world we live in has become, or how distorted its value system(s) have become, or how desperate people are for sex, or how all around us teenagers and young unmarried people are having sex, uncontrollably or not, each individual, each one of us, [pause], has the freedom to choose whether to obey or disobey the correct values passed on to them either by their parents, by society, by own self, or by God.
“The people who lived in the past faced the same challenges that we are facing today. Even the Bible says that nothing is new under the sun. Nothing. Nothing is new. Those people struggled with impure thoughts, with becoming holy as God is, with maintaining one spouse or partner, with sex and ideas of illicit sex,... They struggled with peer pressure, with lust and misdirected affections, with falling in love… They struggled with being faithful, with honesty, with sincerity… but those were their struggles, which should help us figure out how to fight our own… They struggled with not finding the right ones, with passions and with doubt…their struggles with matters of sex are innumerable… just as we have our own fight that requires enough bravery…
“We Christians love giving the example of Joseph from the Bible and how he flew from Potiphar’s wife, because it is easier to say, “Flee from youthful passions…” just as Joseph did (quoting Paul writing to Timothy), but it is another thing to address the issue at hand – these raging desires that conflict the way of the Spirit in us, and how to actually flee when need be…
“The fight against such an ungodly passion (where a young person desires/wants to engage in sex before marriage), requires a solution which is composed of the person’s desire to move away from such a passion, the action to disengage themselves from activities that make them vulnerable, some good company of friends and the help of God. Otherwise, we may as well just be fighting the air…All becomes vanity – chasing after the wind…
 “If our generation has portrayed to us sex as being the use and misuse of another person’s body in order to gratify our own selfish needs, we are in the danger of allowing ourselves to be carried away in such a storm of a world-view. You see, most of us have grown sex-frenzy due to exposure to information (whatsoever) that has threatened our standing and polluted out thinking, thus making sex an issue of great concern to Christian circles.
“Some of the factors that have made the struggle harder today are;
  1. The emergence of Soap Operas during family TV-viewing time with messages of love, betrayals, manipulation and sex (Soaps are okay, but soaps are hoof-hay)
  2. The emergence and exposure to modern sexting technology;
  3. The increase/overload in the number of pornographic websites, innumerable nude music videos and availability of free sex movies;
  4. Early introduction of children to sex by peers, parents or guardians;
  5. Sexual abuse, harassment and rape
  6. Commercial sex due to poverty or sex-addiction;
  7. Lowered life standards and values;
  8. Peer pressure or group influence
  9. Insecurity (when a girl/boy gives her body to the boy so that she may feel appreciated by him)
  10. Sugar mommies and daddies – lack of money and low self esteem being the underlying issues
  11. The problem of highly engaging in masturbation
  12. Seeking for attention and recognition by peers – trying to outdo or outshine others
  13. Indecency in dressing (both guys and ladies)
  14. Norms and outdated traditions about sex
  15. Impure thoughts and conceptions with images of sex
“These factors have made the fight against illicit sex a nightmare in today’s living. Most minds have been polluted and misinformed. Sex is no longer preserved for marriage but for the greater whole. No-one feels exempted anymore…
“But I will ask, as my parting shot,
“Is this the generation we want? One without good value systems and reverence for God?
“One which has made sex a tool more than it is a pleasure for bonding by the married?
“Is this the understanding of sex that we want to pass on to the next generation? To our children?
“Do you still believe that abstinence is the better option?
“Do you still believe that purity is important in a generation in every way?
“Do you still advocate for the fact the God-fearing is inclusive of ‘no-sex-until-marriage’ policy?
“Redeem your answer now, and join me in the fight wherever you are - pray for someone, tell someone what you think about sex, correct someone on matters of sex, talk about sex my friend – talk about it… and that will just be a beginning for a better tomorrow… for our children and the next generation… for boys to come who will value the girl-child as their sisters and not as a sex tool… for the girl-child that will rise up in confidence to say no to intimidation through sex…
“It will be the beginning of a generation full of God-values and not own-good-values…!
“Go out there and make a change!”

“Thank you people, and may God bless you all…”

*[Handing over microphone and walking back to the audience...]*

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