Monday, September 30, 2013

How to Keep YOUR Man

Quote: The modern woman is excellent at doing many things, some of them being the ability to never know how to take care of a man and/or keep him.
"Excuse me miss!? Are you saved? Do you love the Lord Jesus? Do you have a man in your life? Err, a man that is worth keeping? Do you have (are have you ever had) a problem with keeping your relationship rolling? Do you desire to just have that one man that you'll confidently say that he is yours? Forever? A gift from God that you don't wanna let go? Do you desire to make him yours forever? Unshared? Yes? Well, I have some cake for you..."

"Every lady needs a man." That is a fact to every lady out there - at least those without the gift of celibacy. The Bible supports it too. Every woman needs a man. But the question on any lady's mind is always, "Will he be mine and mine alone? Can I keep him away from the seduction and eyes of other prying ladies... both secular and Christian? Will I sustain our relationship...?"
This is because, out of every 100 broken relationships, the woman claims to have led to the occurrence of about 70. She thinks that she may be responsible. And that may eat her up for an endless time. But we need to put things right. No one needs to blame themselves when things go wrong if they had been doing all things right.

In order to join the parts of this equation together, and find a working solution, let's begin with the basics.
Here are the basics:
1. Finding a man - the best case is when you find a God fearing and saved man, or rather, when God brings you to one... If this basic works for you, the other two steps will fit in without a problem. One philosophy that applies with finding a man is that ALL men are relatively good - all of them - until you work on the second and third step.
2. Having the man, then
3. Knowing and keeping the man.
If you like this man, and I mean reaaaally liiiiiiiking him, drama, karma, seduction or manipulation won't work to make him yours. God will. But as you pray to God, you'll need to put your game together;

1. Support him
Support every damn thing he does that is good. If it is good, tell him about it. Tell him again. Stroke his ego. Keep him lifted. Make him drink from your palm by praising his abilities. O how men thrive on praises! It is not like you're pampering him, no. It is like you are KEEPING HIM. So, if he wants someone to help him breathe, take his nostrils and breathe for him (not literally). If he has an idea, prod him about it - assist him to work on it. Don't forget about his passion(s). Support them. No man will EVER run away from a woman who's gat his back! Never! → Unless he's just soooooo dumb!

2. Use your intuition
My mom practically taught me that a woman is always smarter, sharper, wiser and more knowledgeable. I grew up knowing that she's a superwoman. I could never outdo her. Why? She had her game held together. She never just argued about everything. Nope. She could just keep quiet and wait for you to finish up your justification and "I am right" thesis report, then after you're done, she'd be like, "Oh well, only point number six was true. You cooked up the rest..." She knew her game and commanded it. You could never lie to mom. You could never predict her steps. You could never outdo what she thinks of something. She was always right. She could smell trouble frlm miles away. She could smell lies and truth, and bumps and road signs... It's like she always had placards raised somewhere in her head... What about you, me lady? Do you know what intuition is all about? Can you smell that he's moody today, or that he wants to be left alone, or that you can talk about that "urgent" issue on some other day, or that it is time to let that ranting go? Yes, that's what intuition is all about!

3. Be yourself
Is being yourself that hard? Really? Maybe, you would keep him interested if you just became yourself and became proud of it. It would do you a lot of good if you never are struggling to impress him; either by being SUPER-GOOD or by trying to outdo someone you see/saw. Deal with your insecurities in private. Deal with your low self image while with "the girls'. Just don't allow your man to know that you are serially insecure and a pathetic wannabe. No man wants a woman who is not sure of herself.

4. Preserve your integrity
Be faithful. Speak the truth. Seek peace at all times. Be honest with yourself, God, friends and family. Show responsibility. Learn to be a good manager of time, resources and money. Show interest in growing up. Let him imagine you as the mother of his children, and not as a side-flick-chiq. Be submissive to authority. Practice discipline and self control. Be self driven. Be passionate about something. Have a sense of direction. Be committed to something - it doesn't matter how "small" it is. All men worth keeping hate busy bodies. Stop gossiping about people, especially fellow ladies. Love sincerely. Trim your character and personality. Dress well. Dress like a lady, not a slut! Be attractive but not seductive, as to lead people to lust after you. Have standards - standards that you live by. Learn to mind your own business... This is all integrity is all about... And by the way, who can run away from such a woman, huh?

5. Respect him and allow him to lead you
In the course of the past week, I overheard another woman I respect say this to fellow ladies: "Don't lead on a man you can't submit to..." Yes, if you can't respect him, there's no need for him to stay. Men are designed to be leaders. They thrive when they lead someone/something. And you, being part of the many people he closely relates with, need to make him feel honored and respected. Please get me right on this one. I'm talking about respect and submission to a man worth keeping, not slavery and manipulation to a man worth losing. Got it?
So, do you want him in your life? Permanently? Well, learn to like the way he leads. Get used to it. Thrive in it. It will make him stay.

There you have it!!

Bonface Morris.

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