Sunday, September 22, 2013

Salt In the Sand

Old, new. Plain, dewd.
Great, small. True, skewed.
Life is journeys. Life is a brew.
Life is salt in the sand.

They say pain has a cure.
But I say that pain can more than endure. It matches an unpredictable path. One which we know nothing about.
Pain makes stars shine in the day and moons, and suns to share a noon.
Pain makes salt become sand.

They say we are strong.
We think we are not.
We think we are weak.
No, we know we are weak.
They are wrong. No, they are not.
We think what we think because we listen to our pain and the miseries in it
We think so because we are taught - but not every learnt thing is rightfully believable.
So we have learned to mix salt and sand, to mourn and wand - all at the same time.
It is hard to get used to sand swallowing salt.
It is harder to swallow both.
But our comfort is that our God knows just how...

So when pain is busy calling out our names,
And it finds us drawing names in the sand - names we don't want to resound with our lips,
And we want to say 'no', but we can't,
We must learn that salt may be in the sand
We may not like it or love it, but we have to.
We have to learn to live with the salt in the sand.
Because sometimes, yes, sometimes, salt is in the sand...

Life twists us around
Winds us up
Throws us away
But we still stand
We are more than sand - our salt is greater than the sand beneath our feet.
We stand. Because we can.
With God we stand.

Note: Dedicated to every victim and those bereaved by the #WestgateMallAttack #Nairobi

Bonface Morris.

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